Thursday, September 16, 2004

No Go

The buzz word of the week is "No Go Zone". A No Go Zone is a place in Iraq where regular Iraqi's and US troops don't go to because these areas are in the control of the "dead enders" and "Saddamists" or in actuality, Iraqi insurgents. There are actually whole cities that are "No Go Zones".

But, you know, 130,000 troops is sufficient to conquer Saddam and bring democracy to Iraq. As President Bush said today elections in Iraq are "scheduled" for January. Not "will be held" in January, but they are scheduled. Meanwhile, we don't have enough troops to even control the whole country. Because of the emphasis on a small force and complete disregard for the Powell Doctrine (overwhelming force), we are caught short in Iraq. We conquered Saddam fast enough, but couldn't provide any security in the aftermath. So now we have "No Go Zones." But as the Republicans have told us, 50 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan are living in freedom. Freedom to fear for their lives in a whole new way.

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