Tuesday, October 05, 2004

People Who Honk

Driving through an unnamed city, I began to notice there was a lot of honking. Not because I am a bad driver, thank you very much. People were honking at me, at cars around me, and at things I couldn't figure out. It was out of control. People who were driving badly were honking when they did boneheaded maneuvers. If you don't peel out from a light you get honked at for driving to slowly. If you don't speed up at a yellow light and blow through the intersection you get honked at by the people behind you, and when you do you get honked at by people trying to make left turns when the light changes to red.

Its a no win situation.

And honking just pisses me off--whether I am the honker or the honkee. I feel it just increases the frustration. Ooh big deal you honked. That's real effective. You get pissed off, they get pissed off, a chase ensues, you give the finger, they give the evil eye, maybe there's gun fire. None of its good.

The only solution is to turn up the radio instead of turning up your finger (or reaching for your concealed weapon). But as you continue on your blissful way be sure to stay aware of the nut cases driving around you, because if you don't react to their horn they may start looking for their concealed weapon (especially in this unnamed city).

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