Friday, November 12, 2004

John Ashcroft

Is he kidding?

First over the summer he said that the Patriot Act "saves lives" and is Al Qaeda's worst nightmare. Well, Johnny, you have not successfully prosecuted any terrorists under the Patriot Act or stopped any terrorist attacks. You have put an extraordinary burden on ordinary businesses in trying to comply with the Act.

Second he states in his resignation letter "The objective of securing the safety of Americans from crime and terror has been achieved." Then why is the terror alert level still at yellow (only downgraded from orange in NY yesterday)? He lives in his own world if he thinks that the US is any safer from terrorists today then on September 10, 2001. That is the date that Ashcroft denied the FBI's request for tens of millions of dollars in funds to combat terrorism. The Bush administration traded one terrorist safe haven (Afghanistan) for another (Iraq) and ensured the continued financing of terrorists by failing to secure Saddam Hussein's money before toppling his regime. That money is now able to fund terrorists both inside and outside of Iraq.

Goodbye and good riddance to John Ashcroft.

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