Monday, November 01, 2004

Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden has revealed his strategy for defeating the US. He will bankrupt us, bleeding us slowly like the mujahideen did to the Soviets in Afghanistan. Talk about believing your own hype.

Osama, the Afghan war did hasten the fall of the Soviet empire. However, it wasn't you and your bands of mujahideen. It may have been the fact that the CIA was funneling billions of dollars through Pakistan to you guys to fight the Soviets. It wasn't you and your puny fortune that defeated the Soviets. It was Stinger missiles and a never-ending supply of munitions courtesy of Congressman Charlie Wilson.

So Osama, no matter what you think and no matter how the election on Nov. 2 turns out, Americans aren't stupid and won't let your rantings influence the election. Moreover, your strategy won't work because the US defeated the Soviets in Afghanistan, not you, and you won't defeat anyone now either.

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