Saturday, August 07, 2004

Ann Coulter - Evil Genius or Stupid Hack

Ann Coulter, self-styled right-wing pundit and "pretty girl", brought herself to the forefront again by getting herself fired from reporting on the Democratic convention for USA Today. Was this an attempt by the liberal media to silence the right? No, it was an op/ed page editor who recognized the difference between journalism and bad writing. Coulter's rejected column can be read here: http://www.humaneventsonline/article.php?id=4646
with her witty comments.

She is desperately trying to be funny by using stereotypes of what Democratic women are supposed to look like: hippies, granola earth-mothers. It is neither witty, nor insightful. It is not even entertaining satire. I mean, I listen to Rush Limbaugh every once in a while because he is funny. You don't have to agree with his politics to appreciate his entertainment value. But Coulter isn't funny.

She goes on to say it is easy to pick out her Republican cohorts as they are the "pretty girls" just like her. Ann, darling, you may have been the best looking girl in the federal prosecutors' office (her official name is Ann Coulter, former Federal Prosecutor--just look the next time you see her on Fox News), maybe in the top ten in your law school class, but really let's not get carried away.

My sources tell me that the article was delivered late, she couldn't deal with the critiques of the editor, and she wouldn't do a rewrite. So, she was replaced by Jonah Goldberg; not a great writer, though his article at least showed some potential. His was a valid attempt to make fun of the Democratic convention from the Republican point-of-view.

The problem with many of the pundits, on both sides, is that they have become a caricature of themselves. They have gone to such extremes to become outrageous they have become useless--even as entertainment. Thoughtful dialogue from the pundits has been lost. I see the problem more so on the right than the left. Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Rush and Coulter are just so often wrong on the facts and so closed to hearing the other side, that it is useless to even listen. Al Franken's books (Rush Limbaugh is Big Fat Idiot and Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them) provide ample evidence of the twisting of facts by this group to try and push their agenda or pump themselves.

Of the group though, Coulter seems to have the least talent and insight. She is not entertaining, she is shrill, and she doesn't write well. She has gotten so caught up in her role as basher of the left and shill for the right that her vitriol seeps from every pore. Moreover, I am told that the persona is really an act, that really she doesn't have the amount of hate for the other side that she projects. That is why I was tempted to call her an evil genius. But as a week passed and the Democratic convention has ended the story has died. So, she got a one day spike in the news cycle and has once again been relegated to guest pundit on Geraldo's Fox News show and to her column.

So Ann, sorry, but is seems you are just a stupid hack. Stop being stupid.

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