Friday, August 20, 2004

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth?

Maybe its just me, but it seems that it isn't only Gov. McGreevey who is being blackmailed with incriminating photos. What else could motivate John McCain to campaign for George W (In 2000 W questioned McCain's patriotism) and what could motivate a Vietnam vet to repudiate his own history in order to make a fellow vet look bad?

If you have not heard the overplayed story of the day I will fill you in. Former Lt.jg Thurlow, a Swift Boat Commander in the same division as Sen. John Kerry, was on Hardball with Chris Matthews on MSNBC. Its seems Mr. Thurlow in his ad for SBVFT and on Hardball claimed that there was no enemy gunfire during the alleged battle when Kerry (and Thurlow) earned their Bronze Stars. However, according to the records obtained by the Washington Post it seems there was small arms and automatic weapons fire aimed at the group of swift boats. Mr. Thurlow never answered about whether or not he deserved his Bronze Star if there was no actual battle. Thurlow also argued that it seemed that Kerry had a "plan" during his service in Vietnam. He implied the plan was to make himself a war hero and then self inflict wounds on himself so as to get an "early out."

Michelle Malkin was then put in the uncomfortable position of having to try and explain and defend Thurlow (Malkin was on to promote her book on why internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII was OK and why we should do it now to fight Al Qaeda--she is Asian-American, though I am not sure that is relevant).

Unfortunately, Malkin, also a Fox News contributor, decided to defend Thurlow and the book by the SBVFT instead of saying "There is a serious factual discrepancy that must be explored." She went on to have a debate with Matthews about whether Kerry's wounds were self-inflicted. Matthews said she was implying that Kerry intentionally wounded himself and she kept saying "self inflicted." She never got to talk about her book. I think they brainwash the people over at Fox so that they can only "parrot the talking points." Right Sean (see below)?

So a big slap upside the head to Mr. Thurlow, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (?), Ms. Malkin, and Sean Hannity (just for fun). Boy are you guys stupid.

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