Friday, August 06, 2004

Ed Koch - Mayor Stupidity

A friend sent me this link to an op/ed piece by Ed Koch, the former Mayor of New York (in the late seventies)

In the article Koch, a Democrat, tells us why supporters of Israel should support President Bush over Senator John Kerry. He claims Bush is the best friend Israel ever had. I think all supporters of Israel will agree that Bush is a very good friend of Israel. But does that preclude Kerry from being a supporter. He rightly states that some on the far left see Israel as a villain and not the bastion of democracy that it is.

But while Bush is a strong supporter of Israel, his miscues in the war on terrorism have hurt Israel's and the US's position in the world and our ability to create a lasting peace in the middle east. By alienating the world the people on the street will have knee-jerk negative reaction to any US policy--including support for Israel.

The measure of one's support of Israel has evolved over the years from there being no talk of a Palestinian state to the realization that there will be a Palestinian state and that such a state is in the best interest of Israel.

So, it is stupid to think that unwavering support for the policies of Ariel Sharon equate to unwavering support of the best interests of Israel. Focus on a single issue is no way to pick a president. A strong and respected USA makes it easier for the US to guide the peace process. President Bush lost the moral authority gained after September 11, 2001 and lost the opportunity to impose peace on the region. Koch fails to give us a compelling reason why Bush's policies will be better for Israel than Kerry's policies. Koch does not articulate any of John Kerry's positions on foreign policy or Israel. Koch tries to leave the false impression that the Democratic party has been hijacked by lefties who only support the Palestinians to the detriment of Israel and its Jewish population. Yet he concedes that Bill Clinton was a great friend of Israel.

So, today we watch Ed Koch, a mediocre mayor, and someone trying to find relevance today, and say to him: Don't be stupid.

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