Thursday, August 19, 2004

Sean Hannity

Usually, just using his name would be enough for you to say "yeah he's pretty stupid," but today I must comment on the ongoing stupidity of Sean Hannity. He seems to be battling with Bill O'Reilly over who can make up the most stuff.

I happened to catch a few minutes of Hannity's radio show today as I was scanning the dial. He was running a clip of John Kerry railing against "Swift Boat Veterans For Truth" (tomorrow's big winners). As Kerry was talking about how SBVFT are paid for by a few rich Texas Republicans, Hannity kept interrupting and shouting "Talking points, he's parroting talking points."

Sean, they are not talking points when the candidate uses them. Talking points are what the rest of the people use to parrot the candidate's message of the day. Kerry makes speeches, you parrot talking points. See the story below about the Washington Times if you want to see someone who parrots talking points

Hannity was trying to ridicule Kerry in some way--like when he uses "liberal" to mean evil or communist or something. But the more I listen to Hannity, the more stupid he becomes (I hope I don't lose brain cells in the process).

Sean Hannity--just plain stupid.

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