Saturday, August 14, 2004

Washington Times-Unnamed sources provide propaganda

Bill Gertz in the Washington Times quoted an unnamed "intelligence official" who seemed to repeat Republican talking points when he said "The view of al Qaeda is 'anybody but Bush.' "
Do editors read this stuff before it is printed?

Moreover, why wouldn't Al Qaeda want Bush? See this piece from the NY Times: The Arabian Candidate. He seems to have played the terrorists' game by alienating friend and enemy alike without making much headway in the war on terror. More strip club owners have been caught using the USA Patriot Act than actual terrorists (that is a subject for a later post).

Also according to this report at Media Matters for America the only actual terrorist group that has weighed in on the issue did express a preference for Bush being re-elected.

The real question though isn't what the terrorists want or don't want. The question is what is best for America. I guess those who think that Al Qaeda wants anyone but Bush and will vote accordingly are letting the terrorists dictate how they vote. There's a winning strategy.

As for the Washington Times, they are owned by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon of "Moonies" fame. He recently was coronated in a Senate office building, though many of the Senators in attendance thought it was some sort of awards ceremony when they agree to go. Rev. Moon also bought United Press International some years back. Legendary Washington correspondent Helen Thomas quit UPI at that point as it seems that "editorial direction" (or as we were taught in journalism school "agenda setting") was coming from certain ownership interests and not editors. Sounds like another one of America's favorite news organizations.

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