Why did Bob Dole feel it was necessary to criticize John Kerry's war wounds? Is someone not considered wounded in battle unless they are left disabled? This is what Dole implied and that is just plain stupid. No way around it. Dole reverted to type, acting as the bitter old pol instead of using the wit and wisdom he is capable of, but which only comes out when he is on Saturday Night Live.
Dole knows better than to get entangled with the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth(?). That group has so little credibility President Bush won't even defend them. Somehow he managed to get Bob Dole out their to puff for these guys though. Bizarre. Bottom line is that Kerry was in battle, under enemy fire and was wounded, however minor the wounds were. He still has shrapnel in his leg. Why criticize that? According to Dole and other Righties it is because "Kerry made it a centerpiece of his campaign." Yeah so? He was in Vietnam. He was under enemy fire. Let's just stop there. If he was never wounded would it make his service less valuable or honorable? Are those who got wounded seriously the only ones deserving of our respect?
Bush could have neutralized the whole Kerry as war hero theme had he deftly handled the question: Mr. President, is John Kerry more qualified to be commander-in-chief because of his combat experience?
He should answer: No. While I respect and admire Senator Kerry's actions during his service, it does not prepare you for making the decisions with respect to the fate of the nation. Going to war is just not a question of combat. It is a question of leadership and vision. While I do not know the horrors of war first hand, I have surrounded myself with those that do. I rely on them to make sure my expectations are realistic and obtainable and are for a purpose that is worthy of our armed forces. But ultimately, it is a decision that has to be made by a leader who has the right vision for the future of our country, and I have that vision.
Instead, Bob Dole, someone with actual combat credentials, goes out on TV and says "he's not worthy--he didn't even bleed!" What an imbecile. The guy bled. He won medals for valor. He turned his boat into enemy fire. He did his job and he led his men with courage and honor.
Now, Bob Dole is trying to back off the comments somewhat without losing face. He was playing political "hardball" and just trying to "tweak" Kerry a little. Oh yeah, it was good natured ribbin! Did I call him an imbecile yet. I think all that Viagra made his brain stiff (sorry, there had to be a Viagra shot).
Bob Dole - Stupid Old Guy who should know better.
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