Sunday, August 22, 2004

Equal Time

Some have said that Stupidity Watch seems biased and little left leaning. Untrue, we say. It's just that at this point in time the GOP and its allies are really acting stupid. The left is acting stupid in more nuanced ways that just aren't funny (except Ralph Nader). We like obvious stupid here at the Watch. Anyway, to placate those among us that are thinking we are leaning to far left here is a little anecdote for you to gnaw on. It's a good one about the "liberal media."

Last week Venzuelans voted in a recall election, deciding whether or not to keep President Hugo Chavez in power. If you think the Watch is left leaning you haven't seen anything until you look at Chavez. He thinks Castro is the best thing since sliced bread (or finding lots of oil a la´Jed Clampett). Chavez loves all things Cuban. He also pretty much screwed up Venezuela's oil production (they are the world's 5th largest producer of oil and a member of OPEC).

Well, Chavez got to keep his job, and these two "stupid heads" on Air America's Unfiltered, Liz Winstead and Rachel Maddow, were GUSHING, about how wonderful Chavez is. Now, if you actually talked to people from Venezuela you would realize what a mess he made it. He hurt the economy and rules as an authoritarian. Why then did he win? Well, he threw a lot of money at some very poor people and convinced them it would get better. When the referendum idea was started (after he had protestors shot) it wasn't even close, but through delay he was able to rehabilitate himself with the populace in certain places.

Usually, Rachel and Liz are quite good, but some sort of weird leftist mania swept over them and I felt as if they were hoping that there would be a communist resurgence in South America to liberate the poor and disenfranchised. Maybe it was because Chuck D wasn't there?

Rachel, Liz--get back on message and don't be stupid.

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